2021 AGM - Proposal to Wind-Up the Class Association

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2021 AGM - Proposal to Wind-Up the Class Association

UK Laser 2 Class Association Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting to be held on-line via Teams on Thursday 25 November 2021 at 8pm

To receive a Teams invitation, please contact Mike Clapp

1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of last meeting (attached)
3. Matters arising
4. Accounts for years 2011 to 2020 (attached)
5. Motion to pay for 8 years web hosting:
'The Hon.Treasurer is encouraged to negotiate continuance of the current web hosting service until June 2029 for a fixed fee not to exceed £900.' Proposed by Mike Croker, seconded by Mike Clapp.
6. Motion to wind up the association:
'In accordance with Section 12 of the UK Class Association constitution (note1), the UK Laser 2 Class Association shall be wound up. Remaining funds shall be split equally between The RYA Foundation (note 2) and The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation (note 3).' Proposed by Mike Clapp, seconded by Mike Croker.
7. Meeting Close
1. 'If upon the winding up or dissolution of the National Association, there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid out or distributed amongst the members of the National Association but shall be given to or transferred either to some institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the National Association or to a charity. Such institution(s) or charity to be determined by the members of a National Association by resolution passed at a General meeting at or before the time of dissolution.'
2. 'The charity's objectives are: to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation for disabled people; to promote and encourage recreational sailing by disabled people through co-ordination and integration with sailing clubs and associations. The trustees achieve this by undertaking fundraising activities and making appropriate grants.' 
3. 'The Foundation uses the challenges of sailing to develop young people by promoting health & wellbeing and building the personal skills that will improve a young person's ability to succeed in life and work. We support providers of sailing opportunities (financially and practically) and where sailing facilities are less developed, we support the creation of those facilities in a sustainable way'.

Last AGM of the current UK Laser 2 Class Association

The minutes of the last AGM of the current UK Laser 2 Class Association are attached.

Perhaps, one day, 'we will be back' but until then the website, including the forum, should continue for at least 8 years, acting as a useful resource for anyone, anywhere, with a Laser 2.



5749, Razer Larf

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