2012 AGM

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2012 AGM

The 27th AGM of the UK Laser II Class Association will be held at South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club, Abersoch at 6pm on Wednesday 25th July 2012.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Financial report
  4. Website report
  5. Proposal from Mike Croker that the Association's Constitution rule 4b be amended to read (additional text in italics):   '4b. Full membership shall, upon payment of the prescribed annual subscription, be open to any person interested in the Laser II Class who has registered on the UK Class Association website and is resident in the United Kingdom.'
  6. Proposal from Mike Croker that idividual membership of the UK Class Association be free until such time as the Association deems fit to change it.
  7. Any Other Business


If anyone wishes to raise any specific items for discussion at the AGM please send them via the UK website contact page.  
Request from International Class Vice-President

I was wondering if you could discuss the organisation of the Laser 2 Worlds in 2013 during your AGM on the 25th.  I have also asked Pierpaolo (Italy), and he would ask around as well.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,
chairman Dutch Laser 2 Association
vice-president Int'l Laser 2 


5749, Razer Larf

Minutes of 2012 AGM

Unnaproved minutes are attached.



5749, Razer Larf

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